What are verrucae?
Verrucae pedis is a skin infection caused by The Human Papilloma Virus. Verrucae usually appear as a plaque of hard skin, and can have black dots (blood vessels) scattered throughout. They are extremely common and the majority of us will develop one at some point in our lives. They are more commonly contracted in swimming pools and gyms as the virus thrives in warm, moist environments.
It is important to remember that the virus is contagious and can spread.
The problem with verrucae, is they can be very stubborn and difficult to get rid of. Factors such as low immune system and iron deficiency can prolong resolution.
Verrucae resolve at different rates dependant on each individual.
There are many treatments available for verrucae.
It is important to remember that a verruca is a virus. Once your body figures out it is there and how to deal with it, it will eventually resolve on its own . A treatment that works for one person, may not work for another.
Treatments We Offer/ Recommend
Regular debridement: Verruca's can sometimes become uncomfortable/painful. This is not caused by the verruca itself, but by hard skin developing and building up over the top of it. By debriding the overlying callus (hard skin) that develops over the top of verruca's, this can reduce/ alleviate the pain/discomfort around the verruca(s). This debridement also created a minor irritation which can help stimulate an immune response and help resolve the verruca(s)
Zinc Oxide tape is a rigid cotton sports tape, characterised by its strong zinc oxide-based adhesive. Zinc oxide is a compound which has been used for years in antiseptic creams as a healing agent for cuts and abrasions.
Verrutop A painless and non invasive procedure involving the application of a liquid containing Nitri-zinc Complex, this kills the verrucae and wart tissue by breaking its protein structure' leaving the underlying skin intact. This treatment can be used on anyone over the age of 6yrs
Verruca Needling Verruca needling has been around for decades, but it is only now becoming a frequently used treatment in podiatry. In order to carry out this procedure, your podiatrist will have undertaken specific advanced training in this subject.
Dry needling is a minor surgical procedure, performed under a local anaesthetic. Once your foot is numb, a fine needle is used to puncture the lesion multiple times. The main aim is to stimulate an immune response to destroy the virus. The lesions do bleed during the procedure but this stops almost instantly once needling ceases.
It is important to let your podiatrist know if you take any blood thinning medication. Appointments generally take up to 1 hour. This allows for the anaesthetic to take effect and the verrucae to be treated.
You will be reviewed 1 week after the procedure.
It is important to know this procedure is not an instant fix. It will still take a number of weeks, sometimes months for the verrucae to resolve. In some circumstances, the verrucae does not fully resolve but does improve.
You will not be allowed to drive following the procedure as your foot will be numb for up to 4 hours post procedure.
It is advised you bring somebody with you to help you get home safely.
This treatment is only available for those over the age of 18. This is due to those under the age of 18 still building up antibodies and the immune system is still developing. The chances of the verrucae resolving spontaneously are much higher the younger you are.
Useful links to research papers on verruca needling: